Finally,I read through the book 《The Secret》in my Kindle,I mean read alound! Actually,this is the frist time I read through an English book.And you know this book was intruduced/recommended by the lecturer – [URL=]Mr. Yang[/URL] few months ago.I don’t know why, but I want to read it and I want to read it loudly.I never thought of that I can do this and I want to this.
Ok, go back to the point: Ask,Believe,Recive is the steps of the Secret. It’s the secret of the Secret.So I want to do the “Ask” here in this moment, and I belive it will come true – has always been, will always be.
I’m enjoying my life with my family and friends.I’m healthy and wealthy and I’m increasing my health and wealth. I want to have a son and a daughter, I will play with them from their birth to their grow up. they are all healthy and happy in their whole life.My parents live with me in a big apartment in Shanghai, and everybody in my home is heathy.I want to have a black SUV and I can drive it to some places with my family. that’s it, that’s what I want now, that’s I asked for…
I believe the law of attraction and I am ready to receive everything I wanted from now on, from this moment.
Morgan Freeman是我非常喜欢的演员,尽管,印象中我只看过他演的2部电影。一部是在大学时代看的《肖申克的救赎》,另一部是毕业后看的《七宗罪》,他在电影中的那种冷静、沉稳、淡定、从容深深的打动了我。
非常巧的是,昨天晚上看电视看到很晚,无意间翻到ICS(好像是,应该是),居然看到在放一些他演过的电影片段,接着就看到Morgan Freeman登台领奖,一个终生成就奖。在领奖台上他说道:”If you do what you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” 让我感觉到了这个小老头的激情,让我知道了这个50岁以后才开始发飘、一发不可收拾的相貌普通的演员,为何能在70多岁的时候获得终身成就奖。