<br/>|R2G000076 | | Close Production Order failed<br/>|R2G000076 |CN000 | Hours accounting present but not yet completely posted.<br/>
利用Backflush materials and hours可以解决掉这个hours accounting issues,但是究竟问题出在哪里?
<br/>If you are backflushing materials and hours, you normally do not need to run hours accounting processing. Backflushing of hours is simply an automation tool for processing hours. However, if something has occurred that is preventing the hours from being processed, the error that you are seeing will occur when trying to close an order. Please run session bptmm1203m000 (Process Hours and Expenses). This will update the hours on the SFC order. If the hours cannot be processed, this session will print an error report. This will let the user know what information needs to be corrected before the hours can be processed.<br/>
Session bptmm1203m000 (Process Hours and Expenses)使用方法