The process of Baan ERP LN customization session deployment from the manual is as follows:
1. Export components from a software environment to sequential files – Export Data Dictionary (ttiex1280m000)
2. Only if the source and the target environments are located on different systems: transfer the sequential files to the target system
3. Import components from the sequential files into the target environment -Import Data Dictionary (ttiex1285m000)
4. Create the run-time data dictionary for labels- Compile Labels (ttadv1243m000)
5. Create the run-time data dictionary of the components in the target package combination- Create Runtime Data Dictionary (ttadv5210m000)
6. Compile the program scripts and library scripts of the copied components- Compile Program Scripts / Libraries (ttadv2230m000)
7. Compile the reports of the copied components – Compile Reports(ttadv3240m000)
8. Create the run-time data dictionary of the forms and menus – Create Runtime Data Dictionary (Forms and Menus) (ttadv5214m000)
9. Install Infor Web Help for the components in the target environment
It’s from the manual, just for your reference. I did not check and verify this.